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The Deaf School

One of Rotary Club Bali Nusa Dua’s first beneficiaries (in fact the second a\er assisting Benoa’s leprosy village in 1992) RCBND has worked continuously with SLB-B since 1993 in several areas and projects.

Adopt a Classroom

Following the two Bali Bombings, cut backs in government funding, the school had difficulty meeting the nutritional needs of the children in residence at the school. The project recruited children who reside at the school to work each Saturday,
supervised by outside contractor, to clean, make minor repairs (replacing broken glass, patching cracks, holes in walls, replace broken light switches, paint and so on) to classrooms in exchange for a ‘nasi bungkus’ with meat and vegetables. The project gave students basic home repair skills, supplemented diet with one balanced meal and imparted a sense of responsibility for their environment.

Flood mitigation project

A direct outgrowth of our Adopt a Classroom, RCBND partnered with Bali’s PU (Dept Public Works) to straighten and dredge the river behind the school. This not only mitigated the chronic flooding within the school grounds also eliminated horrendous flooding to the surrounding area.

Student Apprenticeship Program

RCBND enlisted members and local businesses to bring children into their business one day a week working in areas that didn’t require communication with the public. Although children received valuable experience the program was aimed at parents to show their child had possibilities beyond selling newspapers or trinkets at traffic intersections. Very successful with many children now employed in various companies and skill sets.

Silence is not a Barrier

Fundraising program wherein RCBND paid for brochures distributed by SLB-B to tourists visiting the center.

There’s more i.e., our Annual Golf Tournament that last year raised more than IDR 300 juta and several one-off projects and so on however hopefully the above gives an idea of RC Bali Nusa Dua’s continuous service and commitment to the
community for the past twenty-eight years.



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Rotary Bali Nusa Dua


Phone: (0361) 420 822 ext. 427


Yayasan Rotary Klub Bali Nusa Dua
Izin Menkumham Nomor:


AUH: 0008448.AH.01.04.Tahun 2019

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